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0 p, Ci/L or less. Radon test packages are commercially offered and can be used by homeowners, renters and in restricted cases by property managers, other than when a property is for sale. Commercially readily available test kits consists of a passive collector that the user places in the most affordable livable floor of the home for 2 to 7 days. The user then sends out the collector to a laboratory for analysis. Long-term sets, taking collections from 91 days to one year, are likewise offered. Open land test sets can check radon emissions from the land before construction begins, but are not suggested by the EPA due to the fact that they do not accurately predict the final indoor radon level.

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Test Your Home for Radon - Tri-County Health Department - Official Website
A Lucas cell is one type of gadget. Retesting is particularly suggested in a number of situations. Measurements in between 4 and 10 p, Ci/L (148 and 370 Bq/m3) necessitate a follow-up short-term or long-term radon test before mitigation. Measurements over 10 p, Ci/L (370 Bq/m3) warrant only another short-term test (not a long term test) so that reduction procedures are not unduly postponed. Buyers of real estate may delay or decline a purchase if the seller has not effectively abated radon to less than 4 p, Ci/L. The precision of the residential radon test depends upon the absence of ventilation in the house when the sample is being acquired.

SRE HomeServices - Radon testing and mitigation in Omaha and Lincoln Nebraska
However, the residents, if the present owners, will be encouraged to pass the test and guarantee the sale, so they might be tempted to open a window to get a lower radon rating. Furthermore, there might be children or immature teenagers or young people in your home who will open a window for ventilation notwithstanding instructions not to do so, especially in annoyingly hot weather. Appropriately, whether the possible buyer needs to rely on the outcome of such a test is bothersome. Management of radon service company accreditation has evolved since being introduced by the EPA in 1986. In the 1990s this service was "privatized" and the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) helped transition the voluntary National Radon Efficiency Program (NRPP) to be administered by private firms.